RE: A Poll On Abiogenesis (Spontaneous Generation)

John E. Rylander (
Thu, 1 Oct 1998 17:49:13 -0500

> If you eliminate the impossible, whatever is left -- however improbable --
> must be the truth. If there are only two choices -- evolution or
> -- and if it is scientifically proven that creation is impossible, then
> only remaining choice -- evolution -- must be the truth, no matter how
> improbable it is.

By "creation" here, Kevin, do you mean only Young-Earth Creation? or
creation generally?

Another clarification, at least from my perspective: I find YEC utterly
implausible, and demonstrably contrary to good science. Nonetheless, I'd
say it's -possible-, taking possibility in a broad sense (logically
possible, e.g.). Would you agree?