RE: A Poll On Abiogenesis (Spontaneous Generation)

Mike Hardie (
Thu, 01 Oct 1998 10:00:59 -0700

>The basic assumption of Evolution is that nature creates complexity.
>But, as far as I can tell by many Evolutionists, spontaneous generation
>is the basic assumption: Life appears (don't know how, just God didn't
>do it). From that point, it evolves, or it doesn't evolve, it gains
>compleixty, or it doesn't, etc.

No. Evolution does not have any bearing on the issue of where life came
from. That is abiogenesis, a theory *distinct* from evolutionary theory.
Evolution deals only with what life did once it existed. You appear to be
equating evolutionary theory in particular with a kind of generalized
metaphysical-naturalist viewpoint, which is not at all justified.


Mike Hardie