RE: A PERFECT Creation????

Cummins (
Thu, 1 Oct 1998 00:00:58 -0500

If a lack of death before the Fall would result in something like a
cartoon, what will heaven be like?

> Glenn wrote: "It is this type of belief that caused me lots of problems
> dealing with the idea of no death before the fall. Such a belief required
> that I think of the world like a roadrunner cartoon, where Wiley Coyote
> falls off the cliff, has an anvil land on his head, dynamite
> explode in his
> face and he gets up and goes after the roadrunner again. I found that to
> be a disturbing view of reality given the physical strength of materials."

I don't think that Adam lasted long enough before sinning for a lack
of death to be much of a problem, heh.