Re: 'Directed' evolution?

Karen G. Jensen (
Sun, 27 Sep 1998 13:38:17 -0600

>Hi Karen,
>At 11:01 AM 9/27/98 -0600, Karen G. Jensen wrote:
>>Adaptability surely depends upon the design built into the laws. I believe
>>that God designed the laws, and also designed the organisms with their
>>Do you believe that the _laws_ designed the organisms and their adaptability?
>If God designed the laws in such a fashion that they in turn could give
>rise to the adaptable organisms, it still follows that GOD DESIGNED THE
>ORGANISMS. He just input his design at an earlier stage than Christians
>want to allow.

Or that most Bible believers believe He said in His word (not just in Genesis).

We want God to act like a magician popping organisms into
>existence in a puff of smoke.

Maybe we are fascinated by magicians because they try to appear to do what
God says He did.

We don't like the idea that God might have
>designed an entire universe with properties that would allow for animals
>and mankind to arise after a long period of time.

Who is this "we"? Do you feel that way now? I guess I liked the idea of
evolution for a long time (past the Master's degree level). So when I
first really read Genesis 1, being a botanist, I focused on the plants (Gen
1:11-13) and imagined God evolving all the plants from a one-celled one in
one day. Then I re-read it, and realized, no, He spoke and the earth
brought forth each kind.

I think there are two
>reasons for this. One we like excitement and power and popping animals
>into existence instantaneously satisfies our longing, like Caiphas', to see
>a miracle.

which is rooted in the desire to be "as God" -- in His position (Gen 3:4)

Second, we think somehow that God is unable to design things
>prior to their popping them into existence. This of course is strange.
>God has all the patience in the world and while He could create the
>universe in a second, he didn't.

Right. He took seven days (He practices what He preaches - Ex.20:9).

And He designed the organisms with ability to adapt to environmental
changes. But not infinite adaptability (no created thing has infinite
ability -- tho we in our fallen hearts might wish to have infinite ability,
again "as God").
In His patience God watches the perfection He created continue to change,
with the hope of its coming restoration (Rom 8:19-21).
