Re: A fascinating Young-earth Creationist article

David J. Tyler (
Mon, 21 Sep 1998 13:43:46 GMT

Steven H. Schimmrich wrote on 21st September:

> It's still amazing to me, however, that someone can so clearly see the
> problems with many global flood scenarios yet still be too blind to see
> that many of his criticisms apply to his own pre-Permian flood strata idea.

I think Steven Robinson will assure you that he is continuing to
develop his thinking and is not "locked into" a specific model. I do
know that these developments are reinforcing his view that the early
stages of the global flood were unimaginably violent and
catastrophic: which is why he finds it necessary to protest against
the way many YECs try to reconstruct a scenario of dinosaurs,
etc., living and breeding during the flood.

> Just curious, is this guy a Seventh-Day Adventist (who seem to be more willing
> to deal with real science even though a priori committed to a global flood) or
> is he out of the non-denominational Evangelical camp?

Steven is an evangelical Christian, not affiliated with the
Seventh-Day Adventists.

I would like to think that ALL Christians, whatever their
affiliation, would see no conflict between their commitment to Christ
and the practice of science. As has been noted recently in
discussion, we all have our "folk science" - and we need continually
to review the wisdom of our presuppositions, a priori commitments,

Best wishes,
David J. Tyler.