Dr. Steven Hawking

tara tiller (tillert@ten-nash.ten.k12.tn.us)
Fri, 11 Sep 1998 12:32:36 -0700

Dear Sir:
I am a Chemistry student at McEwen High School in McEwen, Tennessee. When
our teacher told us some of your accomplishments, I wanted to learn more. I became
interested when I learned of your handicap after learning about your huge
accomplishments and contributions. How many years have you studied science? When
did you become interested in the Black Hole? More importantly, what is your source
of strength? How are you able to accomplish some many great things that would be
virtually impossible for the average man? Thank you for taking time to read this.
Amy Ligon 11th grade

Mr. Hawkig,

I also am a student a McEwen school, and I would be very appreciative if
you could take the time to anwser a couple of my questions. I was astounded when I
saw your picture on the internet, a totally (almost totally), paralized. Only then
did I realize the courage it must have taken to get this far. Anyway, Sir, My
questions are, If a black hole has enough gravatational pull to suck in all matter
that is around it, what happens to it? Also, I a black hole absorbs light, is the
light released? Oh!, Do you think that black holes are gatewats in a sence, that
they connect to other black holes in the universe? Thank you Sir for all your time.

Micah Parrish 11th grade