RE: Petersen's Book

Janet Miller (
Thu, 10 Sep 1998 09:16:53 -0700


On Wed, 09 Sep 1998 21:58:04 Glenn R. Morton wrote:> Many of the nodules form around plant roots and >contain>large internal voids partly filled by coarse rhombohedral calcite." ~>Kenneth Pye, Aeolian Dust and Dust Deposits, (New York: Academic Press,>1987), p. 235

I am glad to be informed of this reference, but you might note that Pye did not offer to explain thosevoids.

> Do you think I am lying to you about this?

No, certainly not, but your understanding ofthe loess depends on others who may well have goodreason to lie and shade the evidence. See my posting on the subject "Snails in the Loess" for details.


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