--On Wed, 9 Sep 1998 14:25:31 John E. Rylander wrote:
>Are there any published scientific reviews of his book anywhere?> Not that I'm aware of.
>From my philosophical but only lay-science perspective, I'd want the>physicists and geologists to check in before I'd take it too seriously. So>far, the geologists we've heard from have been utterly unimpressed. No>physicist has spoken out on his behalf either, aside from Petersen himself,>of course.>>Is your background in geology or physics?
Neither. I have a B.S. in electrical engineering.However, I have studied the Great Flood problem (my main interest) for many years so I am not entirely ignorant of uniformitarian theory. In regard to theobvious lack of sympathy displayed by the geologistswho have spoken so far, one has to understand thatthey have a vested interest in the status quo. Their clain to expertise is at stake so they are more interested in preserving that than letting truth prevail. I, too, would like to hear from others with more expertise than I--in physics especially, but I am particularly anxious to hear from someone who can discuss the problem soberly, addressing the evidence forthrightly and not gallery.
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