The basic assumption of evolution is spontaneous generation.
ãSpontaneous generation, in biology, is the theory, now disproved, that
living organisms sometimes arise from nonliving matter. It is sometimes
referred to as abiogenesis, as opposed to biogenesis, the now
established fact living organisms arise only from the reproduction of
previously existing organisms.ä
Please send me a "Yes" or a "No" to the statement:
I subscribe to abiogenesis (spontaneous generation).
Thank you for your help with this survey.
In experiments, if the chances of A causing B are less than 20 to 1,
then A is not considered the cause.(Reference: P< .05 for statistically
testing the null hypothesis.)
Please send me a "Yes" or a "No" to the statement:
I subscribe to the P< .05 standard for causation in experiments.
Thank you for your help with this survey.
Joseph Mastropaolo