I did. I note that 1. water carries dissolved calcium carbonate. 2. It can
enter an empty shell. 3. It then evaporates. 4. It deposits a layer of
calcium carbonate.
There is nothing more to explain. I still can't figure out your reasoning
as to why snails HAVE to come from the 4th dimension.
> I find no fault with anything that you quote from Barrow and Tipler or
>from Courant and Hilbert. I would only suggest that you have
>misconstrued the meaning. I suggest that an accurate paraphrase of
>their statements would be that if we did occupy a world of more than
>three dimensions we would still be able to survey only three dimensions
>by the use of light or sound because these carriers are constrained to
>three dimensions.
Please show me from their book or from Courant and Hilbert's work, which I
have read in that regard, that your inference is correct. Are you a
mathematician or physicist? I am asking if you have the background to
understand their math?
> In fact, in his epilogue Petersen concludes that the human soul
>extends into that fourth dimension so our actual domain is in truth one
>in at least four dimensions. However, in agreement with Barrow and
>Tipler, we perceive only three dimensions of that realm by means of
>sensory perception because, presumably, those perceptions are ultimately
>electromagnetic (three dimensional) in nature.
But that is not at all what Barrow and Tipler are saying. They aren't
saying communciation occurs only in what we percieve, they are pointing out
that if it exists (and has topological connection with our other 3
dimensions) that no communication would be possible. By having the comet
come from the 4th dimension you are implicitly assuming that that 4th
spatial dimension is topologically connected with ours.
Does evidence mean anything to you? does the fact that we observe loess
forming today with no 4th dimenstional involvement mean anything to you?
Adam, Apes and Anthropology
Foundation, Fall and Flood
& lots of creation/evolution information