So they are in between to concretion formations we are familiar with. What is the exact nature of the problem. They are not hollow but don't have any 'nucleus'.
Joseph: <<The above recipe violates no physics in itself, but when snails
are added to the picture one must recognize frank materialization out of
a fourth dimension to account for the details that are actually
Ah, those 4th dimension snail. I understand now. Physics explains it all except for the snails who happened to live in that area.
<< I am bit surprised and dismayed that you would offer such a simplistic
mechanism to account for the loessian nodules. Certainly this reasoning
would carry no weight whatever before an audience that had Plates 32 to
40 of Petersen's book before them. >>
This is not an argument Joseph.
So what evidence of this 4th dimension exists ? Any predictions ? Any observations ?
Anything ?
Other than the 'snails' of course. Although I believe for snails to be explained satisfactorily, one has to propose at least three additional dimension.