Challenge for Young Earth Creationists: the clock is now

Bill Hamilton (
Thu, 27 Aug 1998 10:02:18 -0400

For a good many years I have been puzzled by the failure of young earth
creationists to ask a question about isochron dating. I have been fairly
involved in the creation-evolution debate since 1991 -- first on, later on this list -- and I have never heard a young-earth
creationist ask this question. Yet it's an obvious question that ought to
occur immediately to anyone who has ever tried to use experimental data. I
have read quite a bit of the literature published by young-earth
creationists as well -- people like Henry Morris, John Morris and others,
and I have never seen this question raised in their publications. If I am
correct that this question has not been asked, this omission implies that
young-earth creationists are either not knowledgeable or incredibly careless.

So this is the challenge:

1. Tell me what the question is

2. If I am incorrect about it never being raised, please furnish
references to creationist publications that raise it.

3. If I am correct, can you explain why it hasn't been raised?

Bill Hamilton
William E. Hamilton, Jr., Ph.D.
Staff Research Engineer
Chassis and Vehicle Systems, GM R&D Center
Warren, MI / (home)