Earlier, a discussant was insisting (and apparently still insists) that the
major issue between evolutionary creationists and "theistic realists" (in
Johnson's definition of the term, not the philosophical sense) was that ECs
thought God -had to- use -only- evolution, whereas "theistic realists"
thought only that God -might have chosen- to use only this.
As I repeatedly pointed out to him, this seems just flatly wrong as an
empirical assertion, but as an EC yourself, or at least someone sympathetic
to it, does this accurately characterize -your- view?
I know the answer is obvious, but it might be useful if someone of your
stature would repeat it, if only for the sake of others who might be misled.
(The combination of ignorance and eloquence is common and powerful.)
(If any other ECs out there would care to chime in, that'd be
great, -especially- if there are any who -do- agree with this unusual
Thanks in advance.
--John Rylander