RE: Both a local and global Flood? (was An Evil Fruit)

Pim van Meurs (
Tue, 25 Aug 1998 08:11:36 -0700

PM>Yes, the bible makes for such a great explanation of what really
>happened <g>

Stephen: This assumes that "the bible" *intends* to "make...a great explanation of
what really happened." Indeed, Ramm considers that the Bible's lack of
explanations of

"The Bible is singularly lacking in any definite theorizing about astronomy,
geology, physics, chemistry, zoology, and botany. These matters are dealt
with according to popular and phenomenal firms and are free from
scientific postulation. We cannot but agree with the judgment of W. B.
Dawson when he wrote:>>

Of course the Bible does tell us of a Global flood or so some interpret this. Others have claimed that Genesis teaches us of the order of the appearance of life etc. We should try to refrain to look to the bible for scientific explanations. So perhaps the story of Adam and Eve, Noah etc do not really mean to provide for scientific data but more a religious foundation to faith ?

<<The essential message of the Flood being God's universal judgement of sin
and His gracious deliverance of those who obey Him, has been obvious to
the people of God down through all ages.>>
