RE: Science creates dawn of life?

Pim van Meurs (
Sat, 15 Aug 1998 22:42:28 -0700

Stephen : It is ironic that this article casts doubt on Darwin's `warm little pond' theory (which was really just a footnote to a letter), and will no doubt help cement in the public mind that `Darwin's theory' is wrong!>>

Unlikely since Darwin's theory of evolution is not about 'warm little ponds' but about observations and data. The warm little pond hypothesis is about abiogenesis, the possible origins of life as we know it. Darwin envisioned the 'warm little ponds' others have found 'black smokers' which show a remarkable little biosphere.
Which one is the more likely one ? Research and time will tell. But unless you were reading a different article than I was, it only addressed black smokers as being a possible alternative or additional location where live (could have) evolved.