RE: An Evil Fruit

Pim van Meurs (
Mon, 10 Aug 1998 08:45:11 -0700

Too bad that this does not hold when looking at the total picture. Perhaps you could try to explain the fossil finds using this idea ? But first let's remind you of the discussion:

Glen: Let me point out that the fossil record shows that the forearm and upper arm bones evolved first with fins on the bottom. Then the fins changed to hands. There was also a case of a fish with fingers. Daeschler E.B. & Shubin N., "Fish with fingers?", Nature, Vol 391, 8 January 1997, p133
The fact that things like this lived is proof that they were fit. glenn>>

So fish with fingers drowned later because they were trapped later in the floodwaters ?

I am surprised that people still attempt to link the fossil finds to a (global) flood. Especially in absence of evidence supporting such a flood.

From: Bill Payne[]
Sent: Sunday, August 09, 1998 8:14 PM
To: Glenn R. Morton
Subject: Re: An Evil Fruit

Glenn R. Morton wrote:

> They were transitional and they did live. Why would you say that a
> half-evolved leg which wouldn't support the weight of acanthostega isn't a
> transition? Afterall, there are no legs prior to that time. We are going
> from a time of NO LEGS to a time with legs.

You don't know that. We are going from *formations* with no legs to
formations with legs. The animals with legs took longer to trap in the
rising flood waters than animals with no legs.
