Another flawed logic. Argument from personal incredulity is not considered very convincing.
Bill Payne:
As Michael Behe (_Darwin's Black Box_) points out, the underlying
molecular machinery which constructs, coordinates and controls these
organs of life is infinitely more complex and difficult to imagine
arising by time plus chance.>>
Sadly enough Behe showed no such thing, other than perhaps his lack of imagination ?
Bill Payne:
So we are left with a choice, either we agree with the evolutionists
that these gaps were *somehow* bridged over time, or we believe that the
various types of animals were created as distinct groups. Which
requires the greater faith?>>
The idea that an invisible untouchable Creator has been busy leaving evidence confusing the people He created or the cold facts themselves?
You have just created a perfect strawman that you very easily could attack. Luckily real science does not rely on such arguments.