Are you suggesting to know what God intended here ? After all was the vessel even capable of being 'sea-going' ? And one can drown even in a puddle of water. Perhaps the obedience was the test and the building of the boat a mere exercise in bringing a family together in their faith, in face of those who laughed at them ?
Vernon: Again, it appears to me that we are no further forward regarding the
matter of the missing transitional forms than was Charles Darwin.>>
Darwin realized that there were missing forms, but one cannot ignore the vaste amounts of transitional fossils. Indeed, the idea of finding all the transitional fossils is very unlikely. So instead of focusing on what you believe should be there, perhaps you could comment on what really is there ? How do you explain the exquisite examples of transitional fossils ?
As I suggested in my last communication, I believe the very concept of an
'intermediate' is flawed - and the fact that undisputed examples are
missing from the geologic column (where they should be found in
abundance!) comes as no surprise.>>
You are making to mistakes here 1) you presume that they should be found in abundance 2) you are ignoring the abundance in favor of your presumption that there should be even more.
Vernon: Can you really imagine that a fin on the way to becoming a leg offers an advantage to a fish - a creature so perfectly tailored to its environment? I suggest that evolutionists are too ready to forget the necessary gap in time and see the alleged 'finished product', viz an