
Vernon Jenkins (
Mon, 03 Aug 1998 21:01:31 +0100


To answer some of your questions:

1) "In the beginning" appears as a single word in the Hebrew of Gen.1:1.
Its English equivalent would be the adverb "Initially"

2) Re the history of alphabetic numeration, the current consensus among
scholars is as I suggested, viz c600BC for the Greek, and c200BC for the

3) Your suggestion that a clever man (or men) could have devised a
meaningful Hebrew sentence and, at the same time, fulfilled the
numerical requirements betrays the fact that you have yet to understand
the uniqueness and complexity of the geometrical relationships present
(which actually extend into the next verse), the symbolism, and the link
with the Creator's Name and Title which were to appear centuries after
the event.

These facts all add up to a genuine mystery. It is one that can't be
dodged, I'm afraid.
