And of course there is the disclaimer at the end: "Of course this evidence doesn't preclude the possibility that the Jews already knew about gematria from the Babylonians, or that they were doing it on some other basis (e.g. assigning 1-22 to the letters). Certainly new data could turn up to reverse the order, but that's always the way it is with history! "
So my question is: What is the origin of the texts you refer to, what transcription date ? And based on what transcript ?
From: Vernon Jenkins[]
Sent: Sunday, August 02, 1998 3:07 PM
Subject: Re:Numerology
Cliff and Pim,
You are wondering about the dates I have suggested for the introductions
of the Hebrew and Greek systems of alphabetic numeration - c200BC and
c600BC, respectively. May I therefore direct your attention to the
following web address where the relevant history is discussed: