Or for someone like you to dismiss His Reality and stick to a perhaps faulty interpretation of His words ? See it is easy to accuse, isn't it. But are you sure you are not projecting your fears onto others ? Are atheists using evolution as an excuse ?
2) It follows that a crucial battle must be fought over the nature of the flood and its outcome in respect of our correctly interpreting the geological data, as we find it. >>
Which sadly enough contradicts your interpretation of His Words.
Vernon: You have expressed your disillusionment with YEC for failing to face up to facts contrary to their beliefs. Now I am going to suggest to you that you are failing to meet the demands of
simple logic. If the flood were 'local', as you so stoutly maintain, what was the necessity of building an ark and undertaking the subsequent voyage? And where are these watertight mountain ranges (which Noah would surely have done better walking to with family and animals in tow - he certainly had ample time!!). >>
Are you now saying that you totally understand God's plans and ideas ?
Vernon: The theistic evolutionist's account of these matters requires the clear words of the narrative to be bent, wouldn't you agree? >>
Not more than the literal interpretation.
Vernon: And you have not addressed the matter of mankind's probable migration from the Middle
East during the Antediluvian period. How else would you explain the various 'flood traditions'? >>
Local flood stories. Quite simple.
Vernon: Atheists, unhampered by the need to pay lipservice to the flood narrative can, of course, fight on. But for you, and for those who subscribe to your view, I'm afraid the battle is lost; the flood was global.>>
Your beliefs based on your interpretation of His Words are sadly enough not supported and even contradicted by fact and reality. So my question to you is: Are you not perhaps blinded by what you believe is the correct interpretation of His Words in face of His realities ?
3) Concerning my original posting, it might be useful if we examined the 'good fruits' of evolution. Are there any?>>
Are there any good fruits to the theory of relativity ? To algebra ? To geology ? .... Think about it.