>The sedimentary rocks are NOT all shaken up at once. If you took all the
>sediment and mixed it thoroughly with the ocean waters, you would have a
>mud that the fish couldn't live in. So, in addition to killing the fish
>with acid, the global flood would kill them with mud in their gills.
>Today if you look at modern depositional systems, sand is being deposited
>along Texas beaches, more mud is being deposited along Louisiana. That is
>a separation and sorting process that is occurring slowly. If at some time
>the Mississippi finds its way to Southern texas and creates estuaries and
>marshes down there, then mud will be on top of today's sand.
>Adam, Apes and Anthropology
>Foundation, Fall and Flood
>& lots of creation/evolution information
Donald Howes
Acting Research Systems Co-ordinator
Research Services
University of New England
Ph 6773 3263
"I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the
salvation of everyone who believes" Romans 1:16