Re: Evolution!! (D. Howes)

Glenn R. Morton (
Thu, 16 Jul 1998 20:34:57 -0500

At 08:46 AM 7/17/98 +1000, Donald Howes wrote:
>There are many examples of evolution that show a horse evolving into a
>bigger horse for example, but beyond that there is very little evidence of
>anything. I think that things like this are evidence for a difference
>between macro and micro. The fact that we can't clearly define the
>boundries doesn't mean they are not there. Our fly is still a fly, and yet
>it has changed much, and into many varieties of fly, but it is still a
>fly. On that evidence alone I could presume that there are boundries,
>otherwise it would be just as easy to make a moth out of our fly as it
>would be to make just another variety if fly!

go look at my web page article

There is very good evidence of transitional forms. But one can't expect it
to be observed in the past 150 years since Darwin published his book, yet
that is what YECs seem to require.

>I think what I am trying to say is that there is genetic information in a
>creature that has room for certain variation, like a little dog to a
>massive beast of a dog, but beyond that, you need new information. I have
>no idea if random mutation can create more information or not, so I won't

We just had an extended discussion here about that. A random sequence has
the most information according to information theory. Does it have
specificity or meaning? Don't know. There is no way to mathematically
define meaning of a sentence or specificity of a biological molecule.

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