Re: Dawkins' video (was: a transitional turtle)

Ron Chitwood (
Sat, 13 Jun 1998 07:35:05 -0500

>>>> there is a phenomenon called polyploidy which does increase
the information content of the daughter plant. It was this phenomenon,
which is known by any biologist, that first made me suspicious of the tape.
Dawkin's should have been able to mention it directly<<<<

Hm. Now we seem to be drifting off into 'flora' because that is a common
trait among flowers, according to the Encyclopedia Britannica. However,
snails do have that characteristic, too. What I do not understand is why
you call that an 'increase in information'. A quick review of your link
about the primrose does not mention that. It mentions 'hybridization' and
'reproduction' but does not reveal any additional genetic information
available now. Maybe Dawkins knows that, therefore it was not mentioned
on the tape.

Ye shall know the Truth, and the Truth
shall make you free. John 8:32
Ron Chitwood
