Re: After Fundamentalism (was Destructive criticism of Christian apologists (was Denigrating...

Jim Bell (
Fri, 29 May 1998 19:47:29 -0400

Stephen Jones quotes Carl Henry:

"Be that as it may, it is the ethico-religious fact about man which
marks him off most conspicuously from the animals. Only an age
secular in spirit could concentrate its interest in Homo on
morphological structure seeking to understand man's origin and
nature by focusing solely on prehuman and sub-human forms, then
naming man for the brute, and finding his imago at last among the
beasts. From the Hebrew-Christian viewpoint this course, by which
man in a scientific age makes bestiality self-respecting, is but another
chapter in his sophisticated revolt against God. If the cleft between
Christianity and science is to be repaired, the theology of revelation
will not ascribe to nature and nature's God any course disputed by the
assured results of science, nor will science find man's dignity, and its
own renown also, in anything inferior to thinking the Creator's
thoughts after Him."

Wow. Is this from a letter that Henry sent to Glenn?


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