Re: science and miracles

John W. Burgeson (
Wed, 27 May 1998 17:11:24 -0600

Glenn wrote:

"You missed my point. Go read the note again. I said that all we could
as scientists was look at a set of facts and say that they are or are not
consistent with a miracle having occurred. "

No, I understood that point. What I was trying to do was extend it.

Actually, having witnessed the birth of one of my children, I'd observe
that the event is "consistent with a miracle having occurred."

Maybe "consistent with non-natural causation having occurred" is a better
term? But that includes almost everything!

How about "inconsistent with natural causation having occurred?" Maybe
that defines what we are wrestling with better.

What we do with such an event afterwards seems most important. If we just
God did it, and stop there, are we not "giving up too soon?"


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