Re: After Fundamentalism (was Destructive criticism of
Glenn R. Morton (
Mon, 25 May 1998 14:28:56 -0500At 12:35 PM 5/25/98 -0400, Jim Bell wrote:
>We must look to see what the Bible's definition of humanity is. And it is,
>of course, abundantly clear that biblical man's mark is the image of God
>(imago Dei).
>As Carl Henry puts it, "The Bible does not discriminate man from the
>animals in terms of morphological considerations, but in terms of the imago
>Dei. Man is made for personal and endless fellowship with God, involving
>rational understanding (Gen. 1:28ff.), moral obedience (2:16-17), and
>religious communion (3:3)." ["Image of God" in Dictonary of Evangelical
>Theology, p. 548].
Exactly what objective criteria would you advance that we can see in the
fossil record which would allow us to infer the existence of the Image of
God? Is the definition of the image of God someone who looks exactly as us?
If art, religious articles, burial, and altars won't convince someone that
there is a spirituality among a given ancient human, I fear that nothing
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