Re: Glenn wrote:

Glenn R. Morton (
Sun, 24 May 1998 21:58:28 -0500

At 02:05 PM 5/24/98 -0600, John W. Burgeson wrote:
>I understand your motivation, Glenn. And I applaud it and think it is
>worthwhile -- else I would not have spent time last year in review of
>your 2nd book. I think it's a darn shame you can't get a publisher.

When you challenge everybody, it is very difficult to gain a hearing. And
with my views the first impression of them is not favorable. One guy
recently told me that he thought I was the same as a ufologist. :-(

>All I am pointing out is that, IMHO of course, whether (or not) your
>efforts pay off -- or Johnson's efforts, or Gish's efforts, of Dick
>Fischer's efforts, or ... , the crux of the Jesus question is not, except
>perhaps in rare situations, solved for people because they find one of
>these viewpoints satisfying. I suspect that mine is a distinct minority
>view on this LISTSERV as far as the above point is concerned. That's OK;
>we can cheerfully agree to disagree until that day when we will both know
>better! < G >

By the time we both know better, we will probably be too old to care :-)

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