Re: Glenn wrote:

John W. Burgeson (
Sun, 24 May 1998 14:05:34 -0600

>>Well, my experience is telling me that at least for some folks, my
have helped them maintain their Christian views.>>

I appreciate that. I get the same sort of e-mail from time to time. I
think that whatever we may do, as we do it in the name of Christ, will
have some positive effects. Thanks for the story.

>> We can't prove God. But we CAN prove that events
described in a document are or are not supported by observational data
(within limits)...Similarly we can prove that the data is consistent or
inconsistent with the exodus having occurred, with Abraham having lived,
with the flood having
occurred. This is what I am trying to do. Prove that there is a scenario
which is consistent with the events described.>>

I understand your motivation, Glenn. And I applaud it and think it is
worthwhile -- else I would not have spent time last year in review of
your 2nd book. I think it's a darn shame you can't get a publisher.

All I am pointing out is that, IMHO of course, whether (or not) your
efforts pay off -- or Johnson's efforts, or Gish's efforts, of Dick
Fischer's efforts, or ... , the crux of the Jesus question is not, except
perhaps in rare situations, solved for people because they find one of
these viewpoints satisfying. I suspect that mine is a distinct minority
view on this LISTSERV as far as the above point is concerned. That's OK;
we can cheerfully agree to disagree until that day when we will both know
better! < G >


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