The point was...

Robert L Trivers (
Thu, 26 Feb 1998 15:58:37 -0600

With mischief, I wrote:

>"If I listened to Michael Dukakis (the Democratic nominee for president
in 1984) >long enough I would be convinced that we're in an economic
downturn and people >are homeless and going without food and medical
attention and that we've got to do >something about the unemployed."
>Ronald Reagan during the 1984 presidential campaign

Well, so much for my political awareness test.


Please note:

a. Dukakis was the Democratic nominee in 88
b. Reagan never ran against Dukakis
c. The alleged quote is nothing more than an urban legend
d. Some people WANT to believe this.

My point with all this is that when most of you creation "scientists" and
YERers out there in cyberspace read my original post you:

a. laughed at my errors
b. thought that my errors strengthened your argument
c.found yourself outraged that someone could so distort history
d. would feel bewildered if I tried to maintain that the quote
was accurate.
e. would feel intense frustration if I demanded that you supply
me with citations and a bibliography to prove the
quote untrue.
f. would pull your hair out when -- after being shown the errancy
of the quote -- I claimed that I had a pamphlet,
tract or research conducted by someone named Homer (who
claimed a degree from the International Christian Dipped
In The Blood Institute -- home study branch) in a trailer
outside Nashville that "proved" that the quote was true
and that, further, all REAL Americans knew it
was true.

Now you know how legitimate scientists feel when they read ICR or YER

The prof is out.

With cheer,


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