Definition of macroevolution

Bill Hamilton (
Thu, 26 Feb 1998 15:40:27 -0500

It's dangerous to use dictionary definitions, but this comes from Webster's
Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary, which has impressed me with its
definitions in the mathematics and engineering fields. Besides, it makes
my point :-).

Macroevolution n (1939): evolution that culminates in relatively large and
complex changes, (as in species formation)

Speciation brings about a new population that is reproductively isolated
from the parent population. That ensures that the different
characteristics of the new population will survive -- at least for a time.
The changes may be very small, but they persist. So it would seem that
speciation -- which I believe many young-earth creationists now accept --
is the fundamental process needed for macroevolution to occur.
Bill Hamilton
Staff Research Engineer
Chassis and Vehicle Systems
GM R&D Center
Warren, MI