Re: Thermal runaway and heat

Glenn Morton (
Thu, 26 Feb 1998 05:42:31 -0600

At 12:49 AM 2/26/98 -0500, Jim Bell wrote:
>Glenn writes:
><<It seems to me that all John did was say,
>"Glenn is wrong". That may or may not be true, but it doesn't clarify
>anything. I raised specific objections that John is avoiding.>>
>No, he's not. He answered the objection specifically:
><< Because the deformational heating is proportional to the stress times
>the strain rate and the stresses are so strongly reduced, the heating is
>not nearly so extreme.>>

Not a single number or mathematical equation. Yep, he answered it
specifically, Specifically answered in such a way that no response or
criticism can be given.


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