For the sake of brevity let me summarize:
You wrote that you don't believe the Bible designates a
young earth as being required for salvation to be possible.
I responded with a question, (and sarscasm,as to how could
one believe that if there was no Creation and Fall, why
would one require a Savior.
You responded from a Theistic Evolution position, (please
correct me if I'm wrong). That you believe that God is in
control of all things including our Salvation, that the age
of the earth is not relevant in the issue.
Now my sarcasm resulted from an earlier post from yourself
refering to YECs as "...deserving of contempt and
dismissal". It was the harsh intellectual snobishness that
I was attacking. There have been others very recently, who
have been even more toxic when speaking from their cerebral
elitist attitudes. I am not a scientist or a learned
researcher. But I do research this very important subject
in my own way. I do read popular creation material. I ALSO
read and consider your contributions to the discussion.
When I read your response, I was shocked that we share so
much common ground. Our only major conflicting view is the
age of the earth. There should not be conflict, but
intelligent sharing of information.
I apologize for my sarscasm. I take two steps back to
listen and learn from educated men. We could all take a
lesson from the character of Glen Morton.
Dan Muller