Scientific creationism is pseudo-scientific and singularly unhelpful. Its
adherents formulate bizarre, obtuse and complex arguments that discount
500 years of scientific reasoning, experiment, and deduction to support
the literalist interpretation of a prescientific people's understanding
of the cosmos.
The defile ancient peoples and God in the same breath.
I've always been in awe of the scriptures because they contain very
fundamental truths about the origin of the cosmos when properly viewed in
mythological as opposed to literalist terms.
Although there are serious ramifications to the over extension of
evolutionary theory into social theory ( and legitimate arguments about
the ramifications of materialism and naturalism), Creation science and
YEC believers are cultists in every sense of the word. To paraphrase a
line from The American President: Like the lower middle class AMWAY sales
people hyped on motivation as opposed to substance -- creation scientists
and YECers drink sand not because they are thirsty but because they don't
know the difference.
Most of the "degrees" held by these pretenders are from mail order
schools or short term programs (i.e., diploma mills). Now, that doesn't
falsify their claims but it does lessen the time I can devote to their
obscure reasoning.
So-called "scientific" creationists do not base their hypothesis or
analysis on scientific reasoning or data. Their ideas are based on
religious dogma. "Creation scientistsä use distortions, straw man
arguments, dishonest selective use of
data (e.g., the famous declining speed of light theory), appeals to
emotion or incredulity, dishonestly quotations and fabricated data to
further their political agenda.
Most importantly, scientific creationists do not have a testable,
scientific theory to replace evolution. Creationists do no research nor
do they seek publication in peer-reviewed scientific journals.
At it's rotten core, creation "science" is a nothing more than a
political front for the religious right that are trying to recruit
innocent children into their cult.
Religious fundamentalist literalists (of all religions) are dangerous and
have no place in science , the public school classroom or civilized
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