Flood and miracles

Tue, 24 Feb 98 11:04:36 -0500

Lloyd Eby wrote:

>I do not recall reading anywhere in the Bible that one has
>has to believe in any particular age for the earth or
>particular mechanism -- whether naturalistic or miraculous
> --by which the earth and the living things in it came into
>existence in order to have salvation. People who try to
>read this into the Scriptures are, I think, committing a
>grave error.

The paragraph above implies the conflict between the
billions of years macro-evolution vs. the Holy literal 6 day
Creation. I guess my question to Lloyd is, If there was no
perfect Creation that we fell from, what need was there for
a loving Savior to provide salvation?

Dan Muller
Evangelical Fundamentalist Christian
"...deserving of contempt and dismissal."