Re: Evolution debate

Glenn Morton (
Tue, 24 Feb 1998 06:02:17 -0600

At 05:47 AM 2/24/98 -0600, Ron Chitwood wrote:
>Chill out, Glenn, cool it! I must have hit some nerve in our debate.
>Perhaps it was the towering ediface of knowledge you have built is looming
>to you as having been built on the sand of macroevolution. I know it is to
>more and more. Consider this quote "Dr. Michael Denton's book EVOLUTION: A
>THEORY IN CRISIS, pp306. "The hold of the macroevolutionary paradigm is so
>powerful that an idea which is more like a principle of medieval astrology
>than a serious, scientific theory of the 20 century has become a reality
>for macroevolutionary biologists."
The problem with Denton and other anti-evolutionists is that they simple let
facts sit isolated on the floor. They never explain why the facts are as
they are. It is a serious case of anti-knowledge.

>Perhaps, in spite of your efforts, you have found that evolutionism and the
>Bible do not mix. See Romans 5:14 for just one of many examples. Either
>you or the Bible are wrong.

I agree that death reigned from Adam to Moses. I don't see a problem
between evolution and the death of Adam or Moses. Adam was offered
immortality. Fido wasn't. When Adam sinned, he died and we die. Since Fido
was never offered immortality when Adam sinned, he continued to die. The
fact that God provided the animals with reproductive capabilities before the
fall and told them to fill the earth implies that they were to die.
Otherwise God could have created not 2 fidos but 10,457,890 dogs without sex
organs. If they weren't to die, there would be no need for reproduction.
>Perhaps this discussion is cutting into the sales of your books, something
>both you and I know is your real agenda.

My real agenda is to try to change Christianity from the silly views which
are unable to explain the 43,000 layers in that Japanese lake. Where is the
evidence of the flood 4300 years ago? Why was that lake not destroyed during
the flood? Can you explain the dinosaur footprints? Can you explain the lack
of pillow lavas in the geological column? Can you explain that Japanese
lake? My real agenda is to alter our views which make us offer no
reasonable explanation for the facts of this world. YEC is a view that is
making the Bible false.

Actually sales of my book have been quite good over the past 3 months. I
even had a good December which normally is bad (I can't compete with Santa).
But I don't see a lot of young-earther's buying the book. I guess they are
afraid of alternative views. But they like to say that they have considered
all the alternatives but without reading alternatives, it is hard to see how
that can be.


Adam, Apes, and Anthropology: Finding the Soul of Fossil Man


Foundation, Fall and Flood