RE: New Flood Data

Glenn Morton (
Fri, 20 Feb 1998 17:45:53 -0600

At 04:43 AM 2/20/98, Dario Giraldo wrote:

>He may have a high view of Scripture, but has not done his homework when
>it comes to solid hermeneutics which leads him to conclusions not
>consistent with Scriptures.
>Sorry Glenn, but this is shown over and over again. You may have a good
>grasp of scientific thought but I can't see the same with Scriptures.

If the Bible hermenutically actually teaches what you say, then the Bible is
wrong! Science gives only the feeblest of support for any global flood idea.
And if as you say, I have a good grasp of science then you should come to
the same conclusion; the bible is wrong. One cannot have two mutually
contradictory TRUTHS.


Adam, Apes, and Anthropology: Finding the Soul of Fossil Man


Foundation, Fall and Flood