Re: New Flood data

Glenn Morton (
Thu, 19 Feb 1998 18:28:23 -0600

At 03:21 PM 2/19/98 -0500, Bill Hamilton wrote:

>I can't speak for Glenn, but when I occasionally explode at a young-earth
>creationist, it's not for doing what Art does. Art, in my nonexpert
>opinion, is genuinely trying to do what I have recommended to other
>young-earth creationists: do some real science and see if you can provide
>support for your views. However, what we usually hear from YEC's is
>repetitions of arguments that have been recycled ad infinitum. And that
>grates after a while.

I absolutely agree with Bill here about my good friend, Art. Art is smart
and very honest. He is unafraid to say that he has no explanation or that a
given thing is a problem for his view [of course I get to whap him when he
does :-) ]. My difference with Art largely resolves itself into
patience--Art has more patience than I. He is willing to wait for solutions
to all the things he can't explain with a global flood. I am not. Thus I
wanted to look elsewhere for the flood and developed a view that I think
does indeed answer more things than I was able to answer with my former views.


Adam, Apes, and Anthropology: Finding the Soul of Fossil Man


Foundation, Fall and Flood