Re: When the internal pressure goes up

E G M (
Fri, 6 Feb 1998 07:40:34 -0800 (PST)

Dr. Harper replies:
Yes yes, I know. This is really the heart of my "complaint" against
you and others (i.e. Johnson). Playing one side against the other,
apparently thinking that if these two sides kill each other off then
creationism will be declared winner. But it doesn't work that way.
What will actually happen (my prediction!) is that both sides will be
by the debate.
I don't know what you have against Dr. Johnson. He certainly has
captured what has spilled over the public eye and has disclosed many
of the difficulties of the "fact" of evolution. This is totally
welcome within and outside science precisely for what you predict. I
don't understand your complaint given your prediction, this stance is
very contradictory at best. I don't like the way you attribute
apparent intent to me, but you are certainly free to say what you
please. Just one question though, who told you I was a creationist?
I have not problem with evolution itself (although I have my
scientific doubts) but with the philosophical preaching of the
atheistic high priests of evolution, especially when they preached
"scientifically based" metaphysical beliefs. I believe we believers
in Christ are all partly wrong and all partly right on the various
positions we take regarding inferential sciences. I keep reminding
myself that "His ways are beyond tracing out". All we can hope for
are regularities and generalities, and from the scientific platform I
think it is too early to say evolution happened from biomolecules to
today's diversity or whether major diversification was created and
then evolution happened.

I said:
Things are getting weirder. The morphological derived taxa is not
fitting well with the molecular derived taxa.

Dr. Harper asked:
This is interesting. Do you have a reference?

I say "ask and you shall receive:"
"The Coming of Age of Molecular Systematics," by Laura E. Maley and
Charles R.
Marshall, Science 23 January 1998.

Eccl. 3:11 He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also
set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has
done from beginning to end.

We shall as human beings, nevertheless, continue our search, and may
our hearts in that search be found by the one who put in them eternity.

"in ipso enim vivimus et movemur et sumus sicut"

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