Re: Evolution - Re: Ethics

E G M (
Thu, 5 Feb 1998 07:16:24 -0800 (PST)


SJ>I did not claim that atheists/agnostics are unethical. Just that
their belief system gives them no reason to be.

DM>Not quite. It is what we believe about people, rather than
supernatural entities, that causes atheists and agnostics to behave

KK> I can see how Darwin might be applied to ethics. As social animals
we depend on those around us. Unethical behavior comes with a cost to
survivorship. It is to our benefit to be taught and to learn ethics.

Assuming that Darwinism is true, the statement by KK could be also
true but only in a limited way. Darwinism would also compell us to
survive as individuals or nations in which cases the ethics are only
relative, or is there anything ethical about, say, slavery?


"in ipso enim vivimus et movemur et sumus sicut"

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