The point is the geologic column was composed in textbooks assuming the
evolutionary progression.. The impression left, of course, is that the
column is common and widespread, which it isn't. The fact that it exists
at all is just an indication of coincidence in agreement with accepted
evolutionary thought..
I would think that the LACK of the widespread existence of the geologic
column would argue AGAINST the global flood. If there were a global flood
with global effects then why is the entire stratigraphic layering of the
earth not found EVERYWHERE.<<
On the contrary, the very fact that geologic layers are primarily sporadic
and topsy-turvy speak to the evidence that the flood did indeed occur and
that the immense dynamics of it resulted in the hodgepodge of fossil and
strata evidence and that has been uncovered so far.
Trust in the LORD with all your heart,
and do not rely on your own insight.. Pr. 3:5