Re: 2nd Law of Thermodynamics

Ron Chitwood (
Sun, 18 Jan 1998 19:02:01 -0600

>As far as I am concerned, there are no 'facts' that are illumined by
>fossils. There are interpretations but no facts. None has ever been
>observed in a Lab. That life cannot come from non-life is a fact that
>Pasteur, through experiments, proved and those experiments can be
>replicated. Most interpretations of the fossil record assume
>macroevolution took place to begin with and a seeming pattern of
>evolutionary change from the fossil record only comes from less than 1% of
>the world-wide fossil strata that has been uncovered. Most of the time
>major phyla do not appear in the sequence necessary to interpret

BH> I'm not an expert in the fossil record. I wonder if you could document
> these claims?

One among many works is call SCIENCE VS. EVOLUTION By Malcolm Bowden pp2
"the first thing which must be emphasized is that these charts are composed
by piecing together the strata from various continents. It has been
estimated that only .04% of the world's land surface have the main
divisions in their correct order, and even then a number ot the
sub-divisions are missing. 77% has 7 or more of the strata missing, whilst
99.6% has at least one missing system." As has been pointed out by others
in this group, there is fossil strata just as it is pictured in textbooks
in core drillings for oil in Williston basin of North Dakota, but they fall
into the .04%.

Trust in the LORD with all your heart,
and do not rely on your own insight.. Pr. 3:5
