Re: real life application

Brian D Harper (
Wed, 31 Dec 1997 01:26:24 -0500

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Rick: feel free to send this to the fractal group if you
think its appropriate. BTW, how would I go about
subscribing to this group? I have an interest in chaos
and complexity and might want to participate.

At 11:10 PM 12/30/97 -0600, Linas wrote:
>Well, there are even deeper relationships.
>Fibonacci numbers are always integers. The generalization
>for fractions are "Farey Numbers". Farey numbers are
>ordinary fractions, but are endowed with a funny addition:

Now now, Linas, aren't we being a little politically
incorrect. Oops, that's Farey not .... , nevermind ;-).

>a/b + c/d == (a+c) / (b+d)

must be the new math everyone is talking about.

Reminds me of a humorous Pascal quote:

"I know people who cannot understand that 4 from
0 leaves 0."

[skipped a lot, thanks for the stuff about Farey
numbers, very interesting]

>The real theological question is:
>"Is mathematics an accident, or was math cleverly designed
>by an omnipotent God?"

This reminds me of some questions I raised on the Evolution
list awhile back:

1) Was math invented or discovered?

2) Were natural laws invented or discovered?

I'm kicking myself for not throwing in a related, and
probably more significant question:

3) Why are natural laws mathematical?

[snipped some more ...]

Brian Harper
Associate Professor
Applied Mechanics
The Ohio State University

"... we have learned from much experience that all
philosophical intuitions about what nature is going
to do fail." -- Richard Feynman