Another point...

John W. Burgeson (
Thu, 18 Dec 1997 09:32:06 -0700

Someone wrote:

"From a theological point of view, my immediate knee jerk
reaction to this is revulsion since it seems to make God
into a liar."

This was in response to my "Eagle creation thought problem."

I don't have that reaction at all, and I am puzzled why anyone should
have it.

Assume a slightly different scenario. For whatever reasons, God decides
tomorrow to creat a unicorn.

He does so, perfectly (thoroughly). A whole herd of them, why not?

Now we scientists begin our tests. Whatever tests are appropriate.
What possible test could we make to falsify the
"this-beast-is-the-result-of-common-descent" position?

I can think of none. Does that make God a liar? Of course not.

Nor can we falsify the
"this-beast-is-the-result-of-divine-creation" position, of course.
