But. after a few weeks of scattered postings, the reflector
become all too quiet.
I have written an article on the conference which Paul Nelson
tells me will be published in the fall ORIGINS AND DESIGN
magazine. In it, I encourage readers to join in the NTSE discussions.
I also point them to the NTSE web site, where almost all of
the presented papers are available for downloading.
Steven Schafersman just informed me that his paper, in
particular, has been updated and the new version is now
available at the NTSE web site.
I'd like to make a general invitation to those signed up
to his reflector to also subscribe to, and contribute to,
the NTSE reflector, partly so that when O&D comes out,
anyone who reads my article won't subscribe to a
dormant service! < G >
To subscribe to the NTSE reflector,
e-mail to LISTSERV@LISTSERV.Jewell.edu
with "subscribe NTSE" as both the subject and in the message body.
Posts to the reflector go to
The NTSE web site is: