Re: Benobo (sp?) Apes

Glenn Morton (
Tue, 08 Jul 1997 20:59:22 -0500

At 11:33 PM 7/7/97 -0400, Rick Becker wrote:
>There is evidently a new book out on this cousin of the chimp. They are
>matriarcial and have a _very_ interesting social structure, and have
>displayed empathy and intricate negotiation skills. I just caught a flash
>of it on NPR this morning, and recollect seeing something similar-sounding
>on one of the cable channels sometime last year, but didn't catch the name
>of the critters. Such humanoid behaviors, but without the quality of Sin
>about it all. Metaphysically fascinating thought to ponder?

Bonobos are a relatively newly recognized form of chimp. They have only
been known for about 10-15 years if I am not mistaken. They are very
sexually promiscuous and have, as you note, lots of humanoid behaviors.


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