Re: Earliest burial ritual

Jim Bell (
Thu, 3 Jul 1997 12:50:03 -0400

Glenn writes:

<<Genesis 5:22 ????>>

Sorry. It was 4:22. Contradicts your theory.

<<Wait a minute. You are grossly mis-representing the anthropological
NO ONE, absolutely NO ONE disputes that Homo Erectus was on the line to
modern humans. NO ONE absolutely NO ONE disputes that archaic Homo sapiens

is on the line to modern humans. The only dispute is about Neanderthal.
The Sima people are archic Homo sapiens or Homo erectus. The same can be
said of the Bilzingsleben people who scratched the image of a quadruped on
bone. You can not find anyone who says that Homo erectus or archaic Homo
sapiens were not on the line leading to modern man!!!!>>

Now YOU wait a minute. Multiple exclamation points and ALL CAP eruptions
are not going to put me off the issue, to which you have not responded.
This is all fluff and distraction. Let me ask you again:

You are still left with people that had sophisiticated language, spiritual
and mental abilities--the sort of things modern man has. So what happened
to lose all that? Was there a regression? Your only rejoinder was this:

<<Were the Dark Ages after the fall of the western Roman empire a
that took the Europeans out of humanity? Of course not.>>

Glenn, can't be serious with this. How long did the Dark Ages
last before another explosion of artistic, literary and techonological
advance? And did the people become smaller, ape-like bipeds for a few
centuries, then spring back to modern physiology? Did they lose their
language? Did they lose all evidence of communicative ability? Artistic


So answer my question: How come fully spiritual, complex, God worshipping,
fully lingual man 5 million years ago completely disappeared for almost 4.5
million years?

You continue on lines like this:

<< I do not disagree with
the expert on Sima de los Huesos, who believes that this was evidence of

"Evidence" of ritual...nothing like what Cain and Abel did, or Noah. What
happened to man's mind and spirit for 4.5 million years? 4.5 million years
without human innovation, human communication, any signs of modern humanity
at all. Let's grant the technical dark age, but you're stuck with a gaping
spiritual and innovative hole that cannot be explained under your theory.

Modern, spiritual man was a relatively recent, explosive arrival on the
scene. He didn't sit around for 5 million years wondering what to do with
himself or his dead cousins.

<<I doubt if that will happen to me. :-) Burned at the stake maybe.>>

Now where DID I put my lighter fluid?
