problems with global flood IIa-microfossils

Glenn Morton (
Mon, 30 Jun 1997 21:52:19 -0500

The following is a list of the index fossils for the uppermost part of the
geologic column. These are the skeletons of microscopic plankton. Each
species makes a skeleton which is uniquely shaped. The genera are named
based upon the overall morphology. Those genera with "glob" in the name
have globular types of morphology. Under each genera, the species produce
only minor modifications to the genus' characteristic morphology.

The problem for the flood is that these tiny little creatures should have
been throughly mixed up, IF they had all lived in the pre-flood ocean and IF
the geologic column is due to a single global event. One could take a hand
full of each of these species and stir them up in a vat, let them settle
out, and they would NOT be stratified as we see them stratified around the

The table below is a list of the microscopic forms of life which were nearly
spread around the world's oceans during the Cenozoic. They are found in
invariable order around the world. We use them in the Gulf of Mexico to
locate ourselves when we drill.

In the table below the name (without extinction attached) is the point in
the geologic column at which the species first appears. The extinction
point is the last appearance of the species. What you will see is that some
species appear and go extinct quickly. In the YEC scenario, such a situation
means that the particular species (like G. pseudomenardii (56-58 myr)) never
had a species member buried in any sediment from the Cambrian through the
Paleocene. And then all of them were buried in Paleocene rocks with NONE
having escaped burial after that point. This, of course, stretches
credibility. One can not expect to take tiny little balls, colored red,
green, blue etc. stir them up in a flood and have them all settle out in a
stratified pattern. That violates the second law of thermodynamics. If God
fixed it so that these were miraculously stratified, God most certainly can
do that, but then I would think that would raise the issue of God deceiving
mankind, making it look like lots of time had passed and that these little
animals evolved.

The evolutionists explanation that these animals lived at different times
and were deposited on the ocean floor at different times does not violate
the 2nd law of thermo, nor does it make God a deciever.

here is the list.

planktonic foraminiferal
Globorotalia truncatulinoides......................... 1.85 myr
Globoquadrina altispira-Sphaeroidinellopsis seminulina.3 myr
Globigerina nepenthes (extinction).................... 3.7 myr
Sphaeroidinella dehiscens..............................5 myr
Pulleniatina...........................................8 myr
Globigerina bulloides..................................9.5 myr
Candeina...............................................10.5 myr
Globigerina nepenthes..................................11.5 myr
Cassigerinella chipolensis (extinction)................12 myr
Globorotalia fahsi.....................................13 myr
Orbulina...............................................14 myr
Globigerinita stainforthi(extinction)..................15 myr
Globigerinatella insueta...............................17.5 myr
Globigerinoides........................................22.5 myr
Globorotalia opima(extinction).........................26 myr
Globigerina angulisuturalis............................30 myr
Pseudohastigerina (extinction).........................32 myr
Hantkenina (extinction)................................36.5 myr
Globigerapsis mexicana (extinction)....................41 myr
Globorotalia lehneri-Truncorotaloides rohri(extinction)45 myr
Globorotalia Lehneri-Truncorotaloides topilensis.......48 myr
Hantkenina.............................................49 myr
Globorotalia araganensis (sp?).........................52 myr
Pseudohastigerina......................................53.5 myr
Globorotalia pseudomenardii(extinction)................56 myr
Globorotalia pseudomenardii............................58 myr
Globorotalia angulata..................................60 myr
Globocanusa doubjergensis(extinction)..................61.5 myr
Globotruncana-rugoglobigerina(extinction)..............65 myr.
W.A. Berggren, "Cenozoic Chronostratigraphy, Planktonic Foraminiferal Zonation
and the Radiometric Time Scale" Nature 224(Dec 13, 1969), p. 1072-1075, p. 1073

Does anyone out there want to defend the global flood and explain how this
stratification could happen?


Foundation, Fall and Flood