Re: logic makes a comeback

Jim Bell (70672.1241@CompuServe.COM)
17 Jun 97 13:06:18 EDT

RS <Bertrand Russell is a good place to start.

Thanks for the reference. In the context of our discussion, this is an
interesting case. Do you know about the disparity between Russell's
materialist philosophy and his actual behavior? Do you know about his first
wife, Alys, and what he did to her (she was a devout Quaker, BTW)? About his
moral hypocrisy with his second wife, Dora? The string of adulteries behind
the back of his third wife? His indifference toward his children? I wonder if
he is the best example to use.

Regarding his philosophy, I've read his collection, Why I Am Not A Christian.
Which part of WIANAC would you like to discuss? How about starting with his
treatement of the first cause argument (pp. 6-7)? Do you agree with his rather
notions of causation? I'll ask you the same question I'd ask Bert: What
scientific data points to causa sui (self-causation) as an explanation for the
