Re: logic makes a comeback

Russell Stewart (
Mon, 16 Jun 1997 23:09:27 -0600

><< I have made a positive case FOR MY MORAL SYSTEM.>>
>That's a different story. Yes, you have laid out a case for YOUR moral
>and that's fine. It just doesn't apply to anyone else.

I have shown quite clearly how and why it does, and how it turns
out to be quite consistent. You have failed to point out anything
wrong with the empathy-based moral system.

><<You really need to do some more reading, Jim.>>
>Why don't you recommend some books? I've posted extensive quotes and
>citations. I can't recall your ever doing it once. I certainly would like to
>know what you're reading. What thinkers have influenced you most?

Bertrand Russell is a good place to start.

| Russell Stewart |
| |
| Albuquerque, New Mexico | |

2 + 2 = 5, for very large values of 2.